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Chemical Peels

by Dr. Mili Shah

The top skin specialist

of Charni Road, Mumbai

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peel treatment or chemexfoliation is a technique where strong chemical agents (in the right concentrations), usually acidic in nature, are applied over the skin with the desired action of removing the top layer and hence replacing it with the underlying smoother skin. It is therefore also called a skin peeling treatment. They are most commonly done over the face, neck or hands.

They can be superficial peels, acting on the outermost layer of the skin, medium depth peels or deep peels acting up to the middle layers of the skin. A general thumb rule could be that peels that act deeper have stronger action for the indications they are used for. However, this may not always be the case. We provide the details of the various chemical peel treatments, to help you understand them. Your dermatologist will ultimately be the best judge of which chemical peel treatment is best for you. The various kinds of chemical peels offered by our clinics in Mumbai include, but are not limited to:

  • Mandelic Peel
  • Lactic Peel
  • Salicylic Peel
  • TCA Peel
chemical peels

What is the cost of chemical peels?

The carbon laser facial cost varies depending upon the city or location you are in. At DMS, we have kept the price flexible for you. 

Chemical peels can cost you between Rs. 2000 to Rs. 4000 depending on the type of peel you choose and its’ strength

Your expert for the treatment

Dr. Mili graduated her medical degree in 1995 and has been a practicing skin specialist since then. she practices at Charni road, with the latest technologies and highly trained staff, personally overseen by herself. 

The promise

Dr. Mili Shah is considered as a kind and responsible skin specialist, one of the best in this part of the city. Her patients treat her with respect because she treats their well-being and her treatment results with utmost priority.

Where to get your chemical peels

Located in the heart of Charni road, to make it convenient for clients to locate and visit. The clinic, in Karelwadi is next to an upcoming metro. 

Street-side parking is available on Thakurdwar road as well as Maharshi Karwe road, from which the clinic is walking distance.